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'알텍 랜싱 뮤즈 울트라 인 이어 헤드셋'에 해당되는 글 1

  1. 2011.04.04 [알텍 랜싱 뮤즈 울트라 인 이어 헤드셋]Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra in-ear headset, 169,000원

Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra in-ear headset

The Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra in-ear headset earphones deliver supreme sound and block out outside noise, giving your music the attention it truly deserves.

  • Professional sound engineering
  • Unique cord design minimises friction noise
  • SnugFit design for extreme comfort
  • Inline remote and mic


Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra in-ear headset
186,000 원

1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥)

이니코드 결제 알아보기아이폰
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.


Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:

Giving your music the attention it truly deserves.

The Altec Lansing Muzx Ultra in-ear headset earphones deliver supreme sound and block out outside noise, giving your music the attention it truly deserves.

Noise isolation and exceptional comfort

In tune with your body, the highly flexible SnugFit silicone dual flange eartips adapt to the contours of your ear ensuring superior noise isolation and exceptional comfort. No pushing the volume, no harsh distortion, just a flood of rich, high-definition sound.

Stay in control of your iPhone and iPod

With full-range miniaturised speaker with built-in amplifiers and balanced armature speakers this headset is professionally tuned for musician-grade sound. And with the convenient inline remote with built-in mic, you can stay in control of your iPhone and iPod without even pulling it out of your pocket.


  • Professional sound engineering from single balanced armature technology
  • Unique cord design minimises friction noise
  • SnugFit design for extreme comfort, delivers superior passive noise isolation
  • 8-piece fit kit with silicone tips for any ear (small, medium, large, and dual-flange)
  • Inline remote and mic allows you to control compatible iPhone, iPod, and iPad models
  • Soft carry case included
  • Spring loaded
  • PVC suede

제품 사양


  • 잭 유형: Gold 도금


  • 드라이버 유형: Armature

제품 구성

  • Altec Lansing Muzx headset
  • Soft carry case


  • iPhone 4

  • iPhone 3GS

  • iPhone 3G

  • iPhone

  • iPod touch
    4th generation

  • iPod touch
    3rd generation

  • iPod touch
    2nd generation

  • iPod nano
    6th generation

  • iPod nano
    5th generation (video camera)

  • iPod nano
    4th generation (video)

  •     iPad

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