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[프로세스]Guideline for writing

2010. 3. 22. 17:46 | Posted by (주)캡슐

1.Guideline for effective writing

-Write Strategically

-Write logically and Coherently

-Write Clearly and Concisely

-Use Graphic Material Wisely 

-Focus on Style and Tone

-Write without error

2.Five ways to Logical writing

-"Pile" similar information together

-Organize "Piles"into a logical sequence using a common organization pattern

-Use transitions effectively to link one idea to next

-Check that each sentence and each paragraph contains

3.About logical meaning

-Ideas one in sequence

-Writing flow from one point to the next point

-Relationship between ideas and words

-No gap from main idea

4.Clear and concise writing

-identify characters

-Use verbs

-Write for readers

 ->Take consideration for their expectation in mind

5.You should try to avoid three thing

-Needless words

-Neglect constructions

