오는 6월 6일 오전 10시(미국 시간, 태평양 시간 6월 7일 02시)에 World Wide Developer Conference 2011가 스티브 잡스 기조 연설로 일정이 시작된다고 합니다. 맥닐사에서는 많은 관심을 가지고 계신 여러분께 유심히 살펴보셔야할 사항에 대해 다음과 같이 알려 드리고자 합니다.
Topic:Better Customer Experience!
1.iCloud (New! Service by Apple)
2.iOS5 (Mobile Device OS)
3.Mac OSX Lion (8번째 OSX)
Apple사에서 보내온 이메일중 가장 중요한 포인트는 위의 3가지 입니다. 그중 애플사가 최근에 가장 많은 투자와 심혈을 기울여온 "iCloud" 가 주요 포인트가 될 전망압니다.
이메일 내용을 전부다 공개해 드릴수는 없지만, 그중 가장 주목할만한 부분은 바로 "새로운 하드웨어 기기는 공개되지 않을 것"이라는 부분입니다. 하지만, 이는 크게 신경쓰지 않아도 될것 같습니다. 여러 정황이나 CNET 지인을 통한 루머를 충분히 고려하고 결론을 내본 결과, 이번 WWDC 2011에서도 스티브 잡스의 "One More Thing!" 을 듣기를 기대하셔도 좋을것 같습니다.
이번 WWDC 2011은 애플사로서는 아주 중요한 시기(클라우드 시대의 도래) 열리는 큰 행사입니다. 이번 발표를 통해 디바이스 하드웨어와 소프트웨어와의 융합을 통한 시너지를 낼수 있는 전략적인 교두보를 마련할 수 있는 중요한 시기인 만큼, 애플사의 향후 로드맵도 이번 컨퍼런스를 통해 고객과 공유하기 때문입니다.
맥닐사는 이번 애플사의 WWDC 2011은 애플이 보유하고 있고, 생각하고 있으며, 앞으로 바라볼 목표를 함께 공유한다는 점에 큰 의의를 두고 싶습니다.
인텔(소켓1155) / (인텔) Z68 / Extended-ATX / DDR3 / CrossFire X + SLI / PCI-Express 16x / 8ch / SATA x 4개 / SATA 6Gbps x 2개 / USB3.0 x 2개 / PS2 콤보 / 듀얼기가비트랜 / 디지털익스트림전원부 8+2 페이즈
인텔(소켓1155) / (인텔) Z68 / Extended-ATX / DDR3 / CrossFire X + SLI / PCI-Express 16x / 8ch / SATA x 4개 / SATA 6Gbps x 4개 / USB3.0 x 2개 / PS2 콤보 / 듀얼기가비트랜 / 디지털익스트림전원부 8+2 페이즈
The Snap Case is a low-profile hard case that provides four-corner protection for your iPhone 4 in a simple design.
Easy snap-on attachment
Durable hardshell construction
Four-corner coverage
Direct access to all device features
Incase Snap Case for iPhone 4
59,400 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Minimal, lightweight protection for your iPhone 4.
The Incase Snap Case attaches easily and securely, providing device coverage, scratch protection and direct access to all iPhone 4 features. It's an ideal choice for iPhone 4 users who want a lightweight, minimal case.
Easy snap-on attachment
Durable hardshell construction
Four-corner coverage
Direct access to all device features
Stand included for upright viewing of iPhone 4 widescreen
Instantly add visual interest to your iPhone 4 without adding weight with the new Incase Perforated Snap Case. It provides serious device coverage, scratch protection and direct access to all device features.
Lightweight construction
Snap-on attachment
Direct access to all device features
E-Stand included for upright viewing of widescreen
Incase Perforated Snap Case
58,300 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
An ultra-minimalist case with maximum visual impact for your iPhone 4.
Precision-engineered to be the lightest weight case for iPhone 4 from Incase, the Perforated Snap Case attaches easily and securely, providing device coverage, scratch protection and direct access to all device features. The Perforated Snap Case takes your iPhone to a new level with its all-over perforated design for an ultra-minimalist case with maximum visual impact.
Lightweight construction
Snap-on attachment
Direct access to all device features
E-Stand included for upright viewing of widescreen
The Snap Case is a low-profile hard case that provides four-corner protection for your iPhone 4 in a simple design.
Easy snap-on attachment
Durable hardshell construction
Four-corner coverage
Direct access to all device features
Incase Snap Case for iPhone 4
60,500 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Minimal, lightweight protection for your iPhone 4.
The Incase Snap Case attaches easily and securely, providing device coverage, scratch protection and direct access to all iPhone 4 features. It's an ideal choice for iPhone 4 users who want a lightweight, minimal case.
Easy snap-on attachment
Durable hardshell construction
Four-corner coverage
Direct access to all device features
Stand included for upright viewing of iPhone 4 widescreen
Griffin의 Slap 케이스는 손목시계와 실리콘 스킨이 결합된 제품으로 독특하고 재미있는 방식으로 6세대 iPod nano를 사용할 수 있도록 해줍니다.
신축성 있는 밴드가 사용자의 손목에 안정적으로 감김
두툼한 실리콘으로 제작된 프레임이 iPod nano를 보호
프레임이 버튼을 감싸지만 iPod nano는 계속해서 제어할 수 있음
6세대 iPod nano용 Griffin Slap
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
6세대 iPod nano를 손목에 차고 스타일을 살리면서 보호할 수 있습니다.
Slap의 신축성 있는 스프링 스틸은 부드러운 실리콘으로 싸여 있습니다. Slap을 툭하고 연 다음 손목에 대고 차면 사용자의 손목 크기에 정확하게 맞도록 스스로 크기를 잘 조절합니다. 두툼한 실리콘으로 제작된 프레임이 iPod nano 주변을 감싸 충격과 충돌로부터 iPod nano를 보호합니다. Slap은 Dock 커넥터와 음량 제어 부분도 보호합니다. 다만 헤드폰 포트 부분은 연결해서 언제든지 음악을 들을 수 있도록 제외되었습니다. 시간의 경우 프레임에 있는 잠자기/깨우기 버튼을 누르면 시간을 확인하거나 iTunes를 제어할 수 있습니다.
부드러운 실리콘으로 쌓여 있는 신축성 있는 스프링 스틸 밴드가 사용자의 손목에 안정적으로 감기기 때문에 iPod nano를 편리하게 사용 가능
두툼한 실리콘으로 제작된 프레임이 멀티 터치 디스플레이, 음량 제어 부분 및 Dock 커넥터 보호
보호용 실리콘으로 제작된 프레임이 음량 및 잠자기/깨우기 버튼을 감싸지만 iPod nano는 계속해서 제어할 수 있음
Uncommon Capsule Case for iPod touch (4th Gen.) - Building Blocks by Plural
Uncommon's Capsule Case for 4th-generation iPod touch combines unique style with serious protection. Each vibrant design is embedded deep into the slimmest, most durable case possible. And the sharp, vibrant colors won't fade or peel away thanks to the exclusive Uncommon 3D TATT printing process.
Vibrant color and image definition
Direct access to all device features
Made from virtually unbreakable polymer
Black bezel surrounds and protects iPod screen
Interior memory foam pads for perfect fit, no scratches
Uncommon Capsule Case for iPod touch (4th Gen.) - Building Blocks by Plural
66,000 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Express your personal style while safeguarding your 4th-generation iPod touch.
The future of custom case design is here, and it's Uncommon. Using their breakthrough 3D TATT process, Uncommon embeds superior graphics below the surface of the Capsule Case for 4th-generation iPod touch. So you get the most visually expressive, protective cases available.
Designed by Plural
A Chicago–based creative studio founded in 2008, Plural focuses on strong typography and composition. They explore new ideas within the design process as they collaborate on a wide range of print, web, video, and music projects.
Ultra slim fit
Charge your iPod touch while in the case, or remove bottom for docking
Camera keyhole ring ensures clean photography
Direct access to all device features
Made from virtually unbreakable polymer
Black bezel surrounds and protects iPod touch screen
Interior memory foam pads for perfect fit and scratch protection
Power Support Anti-Glare Film Set for iPod nano (6th Gen.)
This static-cling adhesive film with matte finish reduces glare, fingerprints and smudges while protecting your 6th-generation iPod nano display from scratches, dust and dirt.
Resists glare, fingerprints and smudges
No residue if film is removed
Added protection from scratches, dirt and dust
Eco-friendly manufacturing and packaging
Power Support Anti-Glare Film Set for iPod nano (6th Gen.)
20,900 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Reduce glare and fingerprints when you use your 6th-generation iPod nano.
With Power Support's anti-glare film set, you never have to let glare or fingerprint smudges get in the way of enjoying your 6th-generation iPod nano. The film set is formulated with an oleophobic matte finish that effectively reduces glare, fingerprints and smudges while adding a layer of protection from scratches, dust and dirt.
Effectively reduces glare, fingerprints and smudges
Easy to install
Advanced static-cling adhesive leaves no residue if film is removed
Uncommon Capsule Case
for iPod touch (4th Gen.)
- Succulent by Noël Ashby
Uncommon Capsule Case for iPod touch (4th Gen.) - Succulent by Noël Ashby
66,000 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Express your personal style while safeguarding your 4th-generation iPod touch.
The future of custom case design is here, and it's Uncommon. Using their breakthrough 3D TATT process, Uncommon embeds superior graphics below the surface of the Capsule Case for 4th-generation iPod touch. So you get the most visually expressive, protective cases available.
Ultra slim fit
Charge your iPod touch while in the case, or remove bottom for docking
Camera keyhole ring ensures clean photography
Direct access to all device features
Made from virtually unbreakable polymer
Black bezel surrounds and protects iPod touch screen
Interior memory foam pads for perfect fit and scratch protection
Juicy Couture All Over Case
for iPod touch (4th Gen.)
With the Juicy Couture hard protective shell, you won't have to worry about dings and scratches marking your 4th-generation iPod touch as you go about your day. Keep it going with "Peace, Love, and Juicy."
Durable polycarbonate hard shell
Two-piece snap-together design
Full access to all controls
Full-face, hi-res image on case
Juicy Couture All Over Case for iPod touch (4th Gen.)
88,000 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Wrap your 4th-generation iPod touch in unique Juicy Couture style and protection.
Made of a lightweight polycarbonate, the Juicy Couture case snaps securely around your 4th-generation iPod touch. With a hard protective shell, you won't have to worry about dings and scratches marking your iPod as you go about your day. So "Have a Juicy Day" and enjoy every moment.
Lightweight polycarbonate hard shell
Two-piece snap-together design
Full access to all controls
Full-face hi-res image on case
제품 구성
Juicy Couture All Over Case for iPod touch (4th Gen.)
Toast 11 Titanium offers a variety of enhancements that make it even easier to capture, burn, convert, copy and share the digital media on your Mac.
Copy CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs
Grab video and music from anywhere
Burn media files onto CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs
Copy or burn discs using multiple drives
Easy project assistant
Redesigned user interface
Built-in video tutorials
Toast 11 Titanium
157,300 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Take videos and music from almost any source and convert them to other popular formats to enjoy on your iPad, iPhone, HDTV, online and more.
Toast 11 Titanium makes it easier than ever to capture, burn, convert, copy and share digital media. Use Toast 11 to take videos and music from almost any source, convert them to other popular formats to enjoy on your iPad, iPhone, HDTV, online and more.
All-new design
Toast's new design, including both video and step-by-step tutorials, helps you optimize the digital files on your Mac. New features include faster processing speeds, disc burning from multiple drives, export to formats like Flash, MKV and DivX Plus HD, and direct video sharing to Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo.
Copy CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs
Grab video and music from anywhere
Burn media files onto CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs
Copy or burn discs using multiple drives simultaneously
Easy project assistant
Redesigned user interface
Built-in video tutorials
One-step video posting to YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo
Back up an entire camera of HD video to disc in one click
Extract clips from any DVD-Video and convert to the format of your choice
제품 사양
인터넷 액세스: 인터넷 연결 필요
미디어: DVD
제품 구성
Toast 11 Titanium DVD (includes the following software: Toast 11 Titanium, SDX audio capture, Disc Cover 3 RE labeling, GetBackup Pro RE backup, DiscCatalogMaker RE, TiVoToGo for the Mac)
Getting started guide
Mac OS X v10.5 or 10.6
VideoBoost requires a compatible NVIDIA graphics card and 4GB or RAM for optimal performance
1GB of free space
Internet connection required for video tutorials, product updates, and other functionality.
The perfect solution for connecting FireWire 400 and FireWire 800 devices, this Belkin cable delivers transmission speeds up to 400 Mbps. It's ideal for real-time digital audio and video transfers.
Data transmission at up to 400 Mbps
Maximum conductivity with gold-plated copper contacts
Triple-shielded cable
Minimal cross talk and error-free data transmission
Belkin 6'/1.8m FireWire 800/400 케이블(9핀-4핀)
42,900 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Getting maximum speeds for transferring files or directly connecting Mac
This Belkin FireWire cable is designed to exceed the latest IEEE 1394 specifications and offers Signal Exact Twist technology that provides multimedia data in real-time without errors.
High-speed data transfer
It also offers quick, Plug-and-Play data transfer from devices such as digital camcorders to your notebook or another audio video device. The cable allows simultaneous connection of up to 63 devices and transmits data at speeds of up to 400 Mbps.
Data transmission at speeds of up to 400 Mbps
Gold-plated copper contacts to maximize conductivity
Triple-shielded cable
Signal Exact Twists Technology for minimal cross talk and error-free data transmission
Plug-and-play installation from any 9-pin to 4-pin port
Simultaneous connection of up to 63 devices
Backward-compatibility with existing FireWire technology
Full compliance with IEEE 1394b standards for reducing radio frequency and electromagnetic interference
제품 구성
Belkin 6'/1.8m 9-Pin to 4-Pin FireWire 800/400 Cable
A high-performance cable that connects a FireWire device with 9-pin socket to a second FireWire device with a 6-pin socket
Flexibility and durability
Error-free data transmission at up to 400Mbps
Maximises conductivity
Easy Plug-and-Play installation
Belkin 6'/1.8m FireWire 800/400 케이블(9핀-6핀)
49,500 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Getting maximum speeds for transferring files or directly connecting Macs.
Featuring a nine-pin to six-pin connector design, this FireWire 800/400 cable lets you connect a FireWire 800 device to a FireWire 400 device. It supports all the advantages of FireWire - including simultaneous connection of up to 63 devices, real-time digital audio and video transfer, peer-to-peer device connections, Plug-and-Play device installation and hot swap capability.
Flexibility and durability
Data transmission at speeds of up to 400Mbps without errors
Maximises conductivity
Easy Plug-and-Play installation
Backward compatibility with existing FireWire (IEEE 1394a) devices
제품 구성
Belkin 6'/1.8m 9-Pin to 6-Pin FireWire 800/400 Cable
Sid Meier's Civilization IV is the ultimate strategy game, offering you the chance to lead your chosen nation from the dawn of man through the space age and become the greatest ruler the world has ever known. The Complete Edition includes the original strategy classic, plus the two expansion packs and the standalone game Colonization in one box.
Fast-paced fun
Great accessibility and ease of play
More strategic choices
Civilization IV, Warlords expansion, Beyond the Sword expansion, Colonization game
Civilization IV: The Complete
88,000 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Strategy gamers, history fans, or just about anyone who wants one of the best strategy series of all time on their Mac.
Civilization IV: The Complete Edition includes the original strategy classic, plus the two expansion packs and the standalone game Colonization in one box, for one incredible value.
3D living world
Immerse yourself in detailed environments where animals roam and smoke billows from small huts, set in a vibrant and colorful world. Innovative features include Great People, Holy Cities, missionaries, variable game scales, new land, sea and air units, and loads of new civics.
Warlords Expansion Pack
More of history's greatest military leaders, including Shaka, Wang Kon, and Augustus Caesar, plus six all-new civilizations. Experience eight new scenarios including Alexander's Conquests, the Rise of Rome, Genghis Kha,n and more.
Beyond the Sword Expansion Pack
The biggest Civ expansion ever, this pack delivers a massive increase of 10 civilizations, 64 buildings, 11 scenarios, five wonders, six technologies, corporations, brand new espionage system, and expanded trade routes. Expect the unexpected with added scenarios; they include settling new worlds in Final Frontier, battling zombies in Afterworld, conquering medieval Western Europe in Charlemagne, and more.
The strategy classic Colonization is rebuilt with beautifully improved visuals, while retaining the famous addictive gameplay and endless fun that are synonymous with Sid Meier games. You also get the chance to establish a new nation: Play as the English, Spanish, French or Dutch and journey to a brave new world in search of freedom from your oppressive homeland.
Civilization IV, Warlords, Beyond the Sword, and Colonization in one box
Streamlined gameplay for a tighter, faster experience
Easy-to-use interface that lets anyone jump in and play
Flexible Tech tree gives you more strategic choices for developing civilizations along unique paths
More Civilizations, Units and Improvements to enhance and grow your empire
Multi-player gaming via LAN, Internet, and play-by-email
Team play offers a new way of setting locked alliances that result in shared wonder effects, visibility, unit trading, and shared territory
Civilization IV comes to life with a beautiful 3D world
Connect two ultra-fast FireWire 800 devices to harness speeds up to 800 Mbps.
Flexibility and durability
Data transmission at speeds of up to 800Mbps
Minimises cross-talk and transmission errors
Easy Plug-and-Play installation
Belkin 6'/1.8m FireWire 800 케이블(9핀-9핀)
49,500 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
Getting maximum speeds for transferring files or directly connecting Macs.
Featuring a nine-pin connector design, this FireWire 800 cable supports all the advantages of FireWire--including simultaneous connection of up to 63 devices, real-time digital audio and video transfer, peer-to-peer device connections, Plug-and-Play device installation, and hot swap capability.
Constructed of custom weather-resistant nylon, the Incase Nylon Sleeve provides optimum protection for your MacBook Pro and carrying comfort in a slender, durable design.
Optimum notebook protection
Padded faux-fur lined notebook compartment
Custom weather-resistant nylon construction
Double-stitched, concealable nylon handles
Incase 15" Nylon Sleeve for MacBook Pro
103,400 원
1.무통장(우리176-08-041254, 김광옥) 2.신용카드
INIP2P 서비스는 전자지불(PG) 1위업체 (주)이니시스가 제공합니다.
Apple에서 이 제품을 권장하는 이유:
A slender and durable option for carrying your MacBook Pro.
Constructed of custom weather-resistant nylon, Incase's Nylon Sleeve offers optimum notebook protection in a slender, durable design. Concealable nylon handles and an adjustable, removable shoulder strap provide carrying comfort and convenience.
Optimum notebook protection
Padded interior notebook compartment with plush faux-fur lining
Custom weather-resistant nylon construction
Double-stitched, concealable nylon handles
Removable, adjustable padded shoulder strap
Expandable zip front panel pockets with contrast Topo print lining
Exterior back panel magazine pocket with Velcro closure